When you need to be away from your infant, using the best breast pump brand in Malaysia is a fantastic way to give the benefits of nursing. Pumping can help you maintain your milk production while also reducing discomfort and breast engorgement. If you have to quit breastfeeding unexpectedly, you can use a breast pump to gradually lower your milk production.
Breast pumps are available in a variety of styles. They may appear perplexing at first, but they are simple to operate. If you’re having trouble pumping, seek assistance. You can learn how to operate a breast pump with the guidance of a lactation consultant or another nursing specialist.
Pumping up for the day
- Read all of the directions included with your pump. Make sure you understand how to assemble it and how frequently you’ll need to clean and sterilise the components.
- Select a suitable pumping area. So that you can rest, look for a place that is clean, pleasant, and private. If you’re pumping at work, a room with a lockable door might be more comfortable.
The use of a breast pump
- Before touching the breast cover or your breast, wash your hands. Scrub your hands for 10 to 15 seconds with soap, then rinse well with warm water. Dry your hands full with a clean paper towel.
- Connect the pump to the motor. Check that all of the parts are clean as you assemble them.
- Set the tone for the evening. It’s possible that holding your infant will help with milk letdown. Try looking at a photo or sniffing a piece of clothes your kid has worn if you aren’t with him or her.
- Place the breast shield on top of your breast. Your nipple should be in the exact centre of the shield. It’s possible that you’ll have to try on a few various sizes of breast shields before finding the one that’s right for you.
- Begin pumping with a low suction level. As your milk starts to flow, increase the suction. This is something that certain pumps will take care of for you.
- During each pumping session, empty both breasts. Your breasts should feel soft after pumping, with no hard spots.
When you’ve finished pounding,
- Put the milk in the fridge or freezer as soon as possible. Milk should be used as soon as possible after being pumped. You can freeze milk if you won’t use it within a few days. Make sure you know how to safely preserve breast milk.
- Disassemble the pump and thoroughly wash any parts that may have come into touch with your breast or breast milk. Allow the portions to dry naturally.
What can you expect?
- Pumping each breast with an electric pump will usually take 10 to 20 minutes, but it could take longer. Keep an eye out for signals that your breasts are empty to determine when to stop pumping.
- When the pump is turned on, you will feel a tugging sensation, but pumping should not be uncomfortable. Turn off the pump if it aches. Change the position of your breast shield or go for a larger one.
- Pump at least every 3 to 4 hours and nurse as much as you can to keep your milk production up. If your milk supply is dwindling, consult a lactation expert.
- A swelling or painful lump in the breast could indicate a clogged milk duct or a breast infection. If you detect this issue, contact your doctor. You might be able to cure the problem on your own by pumping or breastfeeding from the breast with the lump or swelling more frequently.